Dr Sophia's Workshops©
In this Original Grief Workshop, you will learn how to
decode and understand how your earliest interactions with
your caregivers shaped the way you feel and perceive your
world today. The awareness is so empowering, because we
can learn to give ourselves what need in order to heal, feel
better and show up differently in our relationships.
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Dr. Sophia
Dr. Sophia's Original Grief Workshop
Dr. Sophia Caudle has been a licensed
psychotherapist since 2000. She has specialized in
several areas over the years including, children, adolescent, and family issues, anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, disassociative disorders, certain personality disorders, and multiple addictions.
What is Original Grief
Original Grief is the felt or perceived awareness of our earliest emotional wounding.
-Dr. Sophia Caudle
© 2020
What you will get in this course!
In this workshop, you will learn how to decode, understand, and heal your Original
grief, from an actual live pre-recorded workshop with Dr.Sophia Caudle and real
participants who are wanting to heal from their early emotional woundings, or
Original Grief.
Dr.Sophia's Individual
Original Grief Intensive
In this Intensives session, you will process trauma and take a deep dive into your Original Grief.
High Speed Individual Intensive
Dr. Caudle’s High Speed Intensives will move your personal growth into high gear, helping you identify and process past issues that affect
your life today.
With Recovery Kickstart
Are you wanting to get started in recovery work for other addictions, anxiety, depression, love, addiction, co-dependency, or relationship issues?
Dr. Sophia's Workshop©
Meet The Original Grief Founder and Expert.
Dr. Sophia D. Caudle is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Supervisor, Certified Sex Addiction Supervisor, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist Supervisor, and Certified Transgender Care Therapist. Under her leadership, Bull City Psychotherapy offers three locations in Durham, Apex, and Wilmington, North Carolina. Tele-therapy via secure and HIPPA compliant Zoom is also offered for all people throughout North Carolina, as well as Zoom Grief workshops for people all around the world. Dr. Sophia specializes in individual and group counseling for adults, adolescents, and couples. Dr. Caudle also supervises counselors who are in the process of obtaining their LCMHC.
“I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in Dr. Sophia’s Original Grief
Workshop. It far exceeded my expectations. Dr.
Sophia’s groundbreaking approach to healing
original wounding was powerful, and shifted my
approach to thinking about and processing my
grief. From this workshop, I have a sense of joy
and oneness with my true self, and I continue to
commune with her, and heal us both.” Tracey S.
‘I have been to many therapists throughout my
life, and the experience with Dr.
Sophia can not be compared. In the time I spent
with her, I feel like we
accomplished what years of traditional therapy
could not. Her approach to
grief, and to helping me understand exactly why
this is key, is transformative.
She equipped me with hands on ways to
continue on a healthy path,
without the anxiety of when these issues will
creep up on me again. I feel like the
puzzle pieces of myself and my life that I had
laid out on the table before me
have been snapped into place through this
work.” Sarah D.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that may be helpful to you, as you embark on
healing your Original Grief:
Yes, definitely. Deep Original Grief healing work is very important work to do, if you want to understand your relationship tendencies and heal from your original emotional wounding. This early emotional wounding is called, Original Grief, and when we can decode our Original Grief, and direct specific healing reparenting to our early wounds, it is very powerful work, and the results free us from our relationship patterns that leave us feeling sad, lonely, confused, scared, or angry.
Really great question! It is perfectly natural to be scared of feeling deep feelings. However, it is imperative to our healing to feel the deep grief. Deep grief work is a pathway out of feeling scared of your feelings, because Original grief is foundational to fear, and when we focus on healing the deep grief, we heal the fear AT THE SAME TIME, without even realizing it! It’s pretty amazing!
Yes, you can do this deep work on your own. If you have a therapist, you can also include him/her. If you participate in 12 Step programs, or other types of recovery/personal work meetings, you can ask a sponsor or trusted friend to process parts of the work with you, if you feel like you need support.
Everyone is different, and it depends on how much time and effort you put into this work. However, please understand that deep grief work is a process, so it takes time, and the more deep grief awareness you have, the better you will feel over time.
Purchase Now, because after 30 days this offer will go
back to original price $299!
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