Dr Sophia's
Reparenting Workshop©
Dr. Sophia’s Reparenting Workshop
will give you the understanding and tools to create your own reparenting messaging, so you can heal old childhood emotional wounds, as well
as help yourself through current
issues. This is a recording of a LIVE workshop, including discussions, questions, everything you will need to do your own reparenting.
Click here for a message from
Dr. Sophia
Dr. Sophia Caudle, Founder of Effective Reparenting
Dr. Sophia Caudle has been a licensed
psychotherapist since 2000. She has specialized in
several areas over the years including, children, adolescent, and family issues, anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, disassociative disorders, certain personality disorders, and multiple addictions.
What you will get in this course!
In this Reparenting Workshop, you will learn how to create effective reparenting messaging that will directly invite healing into your personal work. Reparenting is helpful for healing early childhood attachment wounding, called Original Grief. You will also learn how to reparent current triggers and wounds. And, a bonus of this workshop is that you will be able to apply it to parenting your own children, no matter what age they are.
The effective Reparenting Steps in this workshop are very validating and affirming; this is a game-changer for deepening emotional connection.
Dr.Sophia's Individual
Original Grief Intensive
In this Intensives session, you will process trauma and take a deep dive into your Original Grief.
High Speed Individual Intensive
Dr. Caudle’s High Speed Intensives will move your personal growth into high gear, helping you identify and process past issues that affect
your life today.
Recovery Kickstart
This intensive will kick your recovery into high gear from the very start. This is a fast-paced deep dive into foundational issues that create addiction, anxiety, codependency, etc. You will decode and begin to heal your Original Grief, and learn the tools necessary to continue your deep healing work. You will also have an effective treatment plan propelling you into a True Recovery.
For more information or to schedule an individual intensive with Dr. Sophia, please contact her at sophia@bullcitypsychotherapy.com.
“This Reparenting Workshop made everything
make sense! I finally understand what I needed
to hear to be validated as a child, and now I
know how to give this to myself. Such a gift!”
“Dr. Sophia really knows how to dig deep, and
get into the mind of our little child self, and
teach exactly the right words we need to
say to ourselves to finally be free and feel healing. I
plan to continue to do this reparenting, and use
it as often as I need to keep feeling better. The Reparenting Steps are so easy to remember.”
Dr. Sophia's Workshop©
Meet The Original Grief Founder and Expert.
Dr. Sophia has been a licensed therapist for almost 25 years, specializing in sex addiction, sex therapy, intimacy, increasing connection, mood issues, and much more. Dr. Sophia is also the founder of the deep healing work of Original Grief, which is a treatment model for healing early attachment and emotional neglect.
Dr. Sophia is passionate about placing self-healing resources into the hands of all people, so they can have the power to create positive change in their lives at any time. In her free time, Dr. Sophia loves spinning on her Peloton bike, playing with her cats, and going to concerts with her son.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that may be helpful to you, as you
embark on the healing of childhood emotional wounds:
In today’s field of psychotherapy, Reparenting is a term that is used to describe what we need to do in order to heal our little selves that have been wounded. This is considered very deep healing, as this is oftentimes healing that is done at a preverbal and pre-memory level, based more on our feelings. Deep Reparenting work is often directed to our little selves ages 0-5, as these are the years when our attachment style gets ‘baked in’ to our psyche.
This is an excellent question. In a general sense, we ALL need Reparenting, because we ALL experienced some type of emotional neglect when we were very young. No one gets everything they actually ‘need’, and we feel the effects of what we do not get enough of emotionally. So, Reparenting is a very simple and helpful way we can all heal old emotional wounds, so we can be more present in our lives and relationships today.
Of course, no one is making you Reparent yourself, this is your choice, and you have the full freedom to live your life how you like. However, it is clear that people who choose to do this deep work can definitely become more self-aware and capable of feeling safe when life and/or relationships get difficult. Healing our past helps us live a more safe, secure, and joyful life today.
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back to original price $129!
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